
  • Economic Value: Medium-High

  • Growing Period: Rice cultivation involves multiple stages and can vary based on the variety and environmental conditions. Typically, rice plants take about 10 hours to mature and require watering 5 times before they are ready for harvest. Effective water management, soil preparation, and pest control are essential for successful rice farming.

  • Origin: Rice, one of the most vital cereal crops worldwide, traces its origins back to ancient Asia, approximately 10,000 years ago. It has since evolved into a staple food for billions of people, providing essential energy and sustenance.

In the farming game, cultivating rice not only enriches your farmโ€™s offerings but also allows players to tap into the significant global demand for this staple crop. By mastering the art of rice cultivation, you can achieve a bountiful harvest and contribute to feeding communities around the world while maximizing your profits.